Energy Efficiency Solutions Forum Day

Feb 1, 2024

Energy Efficiency Solutions Forum Day:
Towards energy self-sufficient papermaking

17 April 2024, 9h30 – 18h
Event Lounge, Brussels

We are pleased to update you on the first Energy Efficiency Solutions Forum Day themed ‘Towards energy self-sufficient papermaking’. This in-person, all-day event will take place on 17 April 2024 in the Event Lounge in Brussels. We also encourage you to share this invitation with your colleagues and members.

The programme reveals the confirmed speakers and exhibitors who will inspire you with concrete examples of the application of proven innovative technologies and show how they have helped the industry achieve their energy efficiency and renewable energy targets. The examples are the result of the EESF Toolkit meetings that Cepi organised over the past three years in collaboration with European associations representing suppliers of those technologies and solutions. Together we identified concrete inspiring examples that will be presented at the event, to accelerate further adoption of successful decarbonisation technologies in our sector.

We look forward to welcoming Cepi industry members free of charge to this must-be event for everyone interested in finding possible technologies and solutions to realise their decarbonisation goals!

For further information, please contact Annita Westenbroek at and Katarzyna Dylag at