European paper industry’s position on the delegated regulation on a climate change mitigation and adaptation taxonomy

European paper industry’s position on the delegated regulation on a climate change mitigation and adaptation taxonomy

Updated version, 4 March 2021* The European paper industry has already delivered a successful decoupling of carbon emissions from economic growth while reducing carbon emissions by 29% from 2005 to date, having product volumes increased and proved the climate...
Recommendations from the Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries on the review of the EU Emissions Trading System

Recommendations from the Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries on the review of the EU Emissions Trading System

The impact assessment accompanying the Commission communication on the “2030 Climate Target Plan” suggests a highly demanding reduction target for ETS emissions of -65% for 2030, while the current ETS level foresees a -21% reduction for 2020 and a -43% for 2030. Such...
Policy paper: What role for forest-based industries in a climate-neutral future?

Policy paper: What role for forest-based industries in a climate-neutral future?

Climate neutrality in the European Union and globally will lead to a deep transformation of existing industrial value chains, bringing new and lower-carbon products, processes and novel business models. This transformation will affect the entire industrial sector,...
Pulp and Paper Industry (PPI) – carbon emission graphs

Pulp and Paper Industry (PPI) – carbon emission graphs

F.A.Q. What are the CITL and EUTL codes? In the first two trading period of the EU ETS (from 2005 to 2012), the system was managed via the Community Independent Transaction Log (CITL). Under this systems, permits related to the pulp and paper industry were reported...
Press Release: Paper industry presents main decarbonisation pathways to 2030 during annual conference Paper & Beyond

Press Release: Paper industry presents main decarbonisation pathways to 2030 during annual conference Paper & Beyond

2030 is a pivotal year for the decarbonisation of Europe. It is the year by which the European Union must have significantly reduced its emissions, by 40% as a minimum, and even up to 55% if the more ambitious target proposed is to be adopted.For any industrial...