2030 Industry Manifesto

2030 Industry Manifesto

In 2011, as a leading industry Cepi published a 2050 Roadmap to a low-carbon bio-economy (here). Cepi is now releasing the 2030 Manifesto that takes into account the new adopted targets in the framework of the EU Green Deal. “The Pulp and Paper sector is in a...
Energy transition and decarbonization: risks and opportunities for the P&P sector

Energy transition and decarbonization: risks and opportunities for the P&P sector

If the thawing permafrost is a reserve of viruses and bacteria, humanity might well have to face other pandemics in the future because of global warming.Decarbonizing our societies through energy transition is more than ever a priority. The Forest-based industry is...
Press Release: New 2030 climate plan presents forests as golden egg to compensate for industrial sectors not delivering on their decarbonisation agenda

Press Release: New 2030 climate plan presents forests as golden egg to compensate for industrial sectors not delivering on their decarbonisation agenda

Today, the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen gave her first state of the union speech and proposed a revision of the EU emissions reduction target from 40% to 55% by 2030. This target is the central piece of the EU’s 2030 Climate Target Plan, together...
Press release: All green products start with a #Greensource

Press release: All green products start with a #Greensource

Climate neutrality with Europe’s forest fibre industry Cepi, the Confederation of European Paper Industries, and EPIS, the European Pulp Industry Sector Association and its members, present their #GreenSource initiative, a European-wide effort to explain how the...

Cepi study: Climate effects of the forest-based sector in the European Union

The European forests and the forest-based sector provide integrated solutions to the global climate challenge on a very large scale. The overall and positive climate effect is estimated at -806 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalents annually. This corresponds to...
Energy Transition & Green Deal

Energy Transition & Green Deal

The European paper industry has already delivered a successful decoupling of carbon emissions from economic growth while reducing carbon emissions by 29% from 2005 to date, having product volumes increased and proved the climate friendliness of its products thanks to...