PRESS RELEASE: Combined positive impact of European forests and the EU forestbased sectors for climate neutrality: the CO2 mitigation effect corresponds to about 20% of the EU’s annual emissions

Cepi, the Confederation of European Paper Industries, welcomes the new European Climate Law launched today by the European Commission as a key step forward in our common efforts to respond to global warming. “Our industry is committed to doing its part: we have...

PRESS RELEASE: The European paper industry is ready to rise to the climate challenge

The European paper industry welcomes the EU Green Deal Communication and the set of proposed actions planned for March 2020, in particular the European Climate Law, the New Industrial Strategy, the Circular Economy Action Plan 2.0 coupled with the Sustainable Products...

PRESS RELEASE: Energy Intensive Industries

Energy Intensive Industries (EIIs) want to contribute in a constructive manner to the development of policies enabling the transition to a climate-neutral economy by 2050. We therefore call for a dialogue with the incoming European Commission, Member States and...

Masterplan for a Competitive Transformation of EU Energy-intensive Industries

Report from the High-Level Group on Energy-Intensive Industries: In December 2015, parties to the Paris Agreement committed jointly to keeping the global temperature increase to well below 2°C and to pursue efforts to limit temperature increase to 1.5°C above...
CEO INITIATIVE: Our contribution to EU 2050 climate neutrality

CEO INITIATIVE: Our contribution to EU 2050 climate neutrality

It is clear that renewability and circularity are key solutions to decarbonise society. And that forests are the most effective carbon sinks known to man. Through our sustainable forest management we contribute significantly to the growing forest coverage in Europe,...

PRESS RELEASE: European paper industry CEOs declare a strategic interest in supporting the decarbonisation of our society

Climate change is a global crisis that demands urgent action and requires every actor in society to play his/her part in responding to the crisis. Industries have both a duty and an opportunity to become more sustainable, more efficient and more innovative. “With the...