European paper industry reaction to the US administration’s withdrawal from Paris Agreement on climate change

European paper industry reaction to the US administration’s withdrawal from Paris Agreement on climate change

“The US administration’s decision to step down from the Paris Agreement sadly puts at risk the global efforts needed to address climate change. It also regrettably reflects a view that climate action would undermine industry competitiveness. To make the case for...

Statement from the alliance of energy intensive industries on the clean energy for all Europeans package

We, the Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries representing more than 30,000 companies that are Europe’s largest energy consumers and together, directly employ more than 2.8 Million people, want to make a success of the Energy Union. We see it as a potential enabler...
Framework for Carbon Footprints for paper and board products

Framework for Carbon Footprints for paper and board products

In 2007, CEPI was one of the first to propose a common framework enabling companies to undertake carbon footprints for paper and board products, as there was no standardised approach for their development at that time. Since then, three major...

European paper industry reaction to Fertilizers Europe “alternative facts” in “Allowances balance calculation in the EU ETS” Ecofys report

On 15 May 2017 Ecofys published the report “Allowances balance calculation in the EU ETS”, commissioned by Fertilizers Europe. The document is full of omissions in data collection and analysis. Although the authors acknowledge such shortcomings throughout the whole...

“No trade-off on Fairness”: Recommendations from the Alliance for a fair ETS

The Parliament, the Council and the Commission enter now the trilogue negotiations that will shape the ETS directive after 2020. We, the 17 signatories of this paper, energy-intensive sectors representing about 2 million jobs in the EU and comprising many SME’s, are...

Placing competitiveness at the heart of the ‘Energy Package’

In view of the European Commission’s publication of its Winter Energy package, the European paper industry has compiled a position paper outlining its stance on key aspects of the proposal. Here are our key messages: Deliverables expected by “Clean energy for...