CEPI adopts Load Transport guidelines for pulp and paper products

CEPI adopts Load Transport guidelines for pulp and paper products

CEPI has just launched a guideline document on general cargo securing instructions for pulp and paper products. The document was produced by CEPI with the input of the CEPI Transport Network and the support of MariTerm AB. CEPI expects the industry to adopt it as a...

Regulatory and Market Aspects of Demand-Side Flexibility

Abstract from CEPI response to CEER public consultation Background The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) has recently launched the public consultation “C13-PC-71: Regulatory and Market Aspects of Demand-Side Flexibility”. Below an abstract from the CEPI...
Europe should support, not hamper EU industrial competitiveness

Europe should support, not hamper EU industrial competitiveness

CEPI comments on the draft EU guidelines on environment and energy aid Summary It is unwise to raise costs for the industry to promote competition in the internal market, by doing so Europe will lose competitiveness in the global market. CEPI therefore calls the...

Focus is back on industry in EU policy, but will it work?

The fact that the 2030 Energy and Climate package includes an analysis of energy costs and was published together with the European Industrial Renaissance Communication is a landmark shift in EU policy. The Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) interprets...
Road freight transport

Road freight transport

Weight & dimensions’ limits: let’s make the best use of Europe’s roads! The Directive 96/53/EC on Weights & Dimensions1, which is currently under review, regulates the weights and dimensions of heavy-duty vehicles operating as international and national...
CEPI comments on the discussion document ‘Paper Vapour – the climate impact of paper consumption’ from the European Environmental Paper Network

CEPI comments on the discussion document ‘Paper Vapour – the climate impact of paper consumption’ from the European Environmental Paper Network

http://environmentalpaper.eu/shrink/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/paper-vapour-discussion-paper-c.pdf The European Environmental Paper Network (EEPN) presented preliminary findings of their Paper Vapour report. The report aims to show that paper has a large...