#ForestBiodiversity: A new platform to show how sustainable forest management supports biodiversity preservation

#ForestBiodiversity: A new platform to show how sustainable forest management supports biodiversity preservation

“Listen to EU forest stewards, understand their actions on the ground, learn from their experience, and go beyond the clichés!” In a few words, this is the message of the new awareness campaign #ForestBiodiversity launched today in Brussels by 6 associations...
#ForestBiodiversity: A new platform to show how sustainable forest management supports biodiversity preservation

European Parliament raises climate ambition and recognizes multiple roles of forests

This week, the European Parliament had its first real political say on two files of high relevance, not only for the EU climate agenda and Green Deal roll out, but also for the role that EU forest-based industries and forest-based products will be allowed to play in...
Article: The EU forest-based value chain, a strategic resource for a sustainable future

Article: The EU forest-based value chain, a strategic resource for a sustainable future

What if consumers were empowered to make the EU green recovery happen by choosing truly green and circular products, ask Jori Ringman and Viveka Beckeman. We already see a broad public engagement for climate action, an increased demand for fossil-free products – and...

Joint statement: The New EU Forest Strategy

3 reasons to endorse the committee report Ahead of the European Parliament’s vote on the report “The European Forest Strategy – The way forward” planned for next week, the EU forest and forest-based sector would like to share three reasons why the report voted in the...
Press Release: European Parliament AGRI Committee adopts balanced report on the EU Forest Strategy

Press Release: European Parliament AGRI Committee adopts balanced report on the EU Forest Strategy

Yesterday, the European Parliament Agriculture and Rural Development Committee adopted MEP Petri Sarvamaa’s (EPP/FI) own initiative report on the European Forest Strategy. The Confederation of European Paper Industries (Cepi) welcomes the adopted report and...