New JRC study misinterprets satellite data on forest cover and risks misguiding EU climate policy choices

New JRC study misinterprets satellite data on forest cover and risks misguiding EU climate policy choices

Last week, the scientific journal «the Nature» published an article “Abrupt increase in harvested forest area over Europe after 2015” based on a study by the European Commission Joint Research Centre bioeconomy unit based in Ispra, Italy. The study claims that...

Cepi study: Climate effects of the forest-based sector in the European Union

The European forests and the forest-based sector provide integrated solutions to the global climate challenge on a very large scale. The overall and positive climate effect is estimated at -806 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalents annually. This corresponds to...
Forest Resources

Forest Resources

Forests are expected to deliver on several policy objectives of the European Union as they provide climate benefits, ecosystem services such as clean air and water, biodiversity, raw material for the bioeconomy, renewable energy and many more. Sourcing wood from...

Enhancing the EU forest policy framework through a stronger EU forest strategy post 2020

Cepi position on the new EU Forest Strategy post-2020            European forests and the forest-based sector provide multiple solutions that contribute to Europe’s part in keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees by strengthening its role in the circular bioeconomy....

PRESS RELEASE: Rewarding Sustainable Forest Management practices will enhance biodiversity and climate resilience of EU forests

This week, the European Commission is hosting the “International Conference on Forests for Biodiversity and Climate” in Brussels to discuss pressures on EU forest ecosystems due to, among others, climate change as well as how to best protect forests and their...

Forest-Based Industries Vision 2050

In light of the climate crisis, the European Forest-Based Industries, including the pulp, paper and other fibre-based product industries, the woodworking industries, the producers of furniture, the bio-energy sector and the printing industry, have come together to...