What a tree can do? New poster explains the bioeconomy potential of a tree

What a tree can do? New poster explains the bioeconomy potential of a tree

Europe is one of the most forest-rich regions in the world – we are surrounded by 190 million hectares of forests, which makes it 40 % of Europe’s territory. European forest cover increases regularly, contributing to growth and jobs in rural area, ensuring...
Letter to European Commission on EU timber regulation

Letter to European Commission on EU timber regulation

European forest-based industries call on the extension of the scope of the EU Timber Regulation to ensure that wood-based products sold on the European market are safe from illegal logging regardless of their origin. Sent to: Ms. Elżbieta Bieńkowska European...

CEPI’s statement on REDII agreement

“The European paper industry stands firmly committed to sustainably sourcing and efficiently using bioenergy in Europe and is encouraged that negotiators have equally recognised this in the informal REDII agreement” says Sylvain Lhôte, Director General of CEPI....

International Day of Forests 2018: European forests can deliver even more benefits to society

  On the occasion of the United Nations International Day of Forests and dedicated to “Forests for Sustainable Cities”, representatives of European forest owners, managers and forest-based industries call for more awareness and support to further use the potential of...

Reaction of European paper industry to LULUCF deal

“The LULUCF agreement is a good deal that not only provides the right flexibilities but builds on the sustainable forest management practices that work and continue to grow EU forests” says Sylvain Lhote, Director General of the Confederation of European Paper...