ENVI vote embraces sustainable sourcing of biomass but misses the mark by encouraging mass conversion of coal power plants

The Environment (ENVI) committee has understood the importance of better aligning the text with Circular Economy principles, energy efficiency standards and sustainable forest management practices. It nonetheless seriously jeopardises Europe’s bioeconomy by...

European Parliament votes in favour of a LULUCF regulation better fit for purpose

The European organisations representing forestry and agriculture sectors as well as woodworking and paper industries see the reaction of the European Parliament within the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) regulation as a positive step. The Parliament...

LULUCF: Forestry, paper and agri-sectors team up in favor of a dynamic forest reference level

The Environment Committee (ENVI) of the European Parliament today adopted the draft report of the Committee’s Rapporteur, MEP Norbert Lins, on the regulation of Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF). The policy is of utmost importance for the forest and...
Reaction by Sylvain Lhôte, Director General at CEPI to ENVI (Environment) Committee vote on LULUCF

Reaction by Sylvain Lhôte, Director General at CEPI to ENVI (Environment) Committee vote on LULUCF

“The ENVI committee has missed the logic that LULUCF should focus on growing forest through investment rather arbitrarily capping its use as a resource. Freezing, over the next decade, the use of growing forestry will endanger the carbon sink Europe needs in 2050 and...

Position Paper on LULUCF

CEPI position on the Commission proposal for a regulation on the inclusion of GHG emissions and removals from LULUCF into the 2030 climate and energy framework Main Goal: The main goal for the European pulp and paper industry in the debate on climate change and...
Global Forest and Paper Industry Celebrates International Day of Forests

Global Forest and Paper Industry Celebrates International Day of Forests

SÃO PAULO – The theme of the 2017 United Nations International Day of Forests is Forests and Energy. The International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA) of which CEPI is a member is proud to represent the global forest products industry, which plays an...