Joint Statement: Working Group on the future direction of FOREST EUROPE

European forest owners, managers and forest-based industries released a joint statement today, outlining key elements to be included in the review of the FOREST EUROPE process to ensure Sustainable Forest Management (SFM), at the first meeting of the working group on...

Joint press release on the International Day of Forests-“Forests and Water”

“To build a sustainable, climate-resilient future for all, we must invest in our world’s forests.”– UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon The European forest owners, managers, forest industry and professionals, represented by key stakeholders of the European...

EU Bioenergy Sustainability Criteria

The sustainable forest management framework has evolved and strengthened over time balancing a market based demand for wood products and bioenergy with the other environmental and climate functions of the forest. More recently, the EU policy framework to support the...

EUTR implementation report fails to tackle loophole on printed products

CEPI, together with INTERGRAF (European Federation for Print and Digital Communication) published a press release commenting on the implementation report of the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) published by the European Commission last week. Judging it as a missed...

Exported jobs, illegal timber: EUTR implementation report fails to tackle loophole on printed products

The implementation report of the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) published yesterday is a missed opportunity. It does not recommend the inclusion of printed products strongly enough in the regulation’s scope. Marco Mensink, CEPI Director General: “Not including printed...

Sustainable Forest Management

CEPI and its members are committed to the sustainable management and use of forest resources. In that context CEPI is supporting and actively involved in the ongoing process of Ministerial Conferences on the Protection of Forests in Europe, known as Helsinki Process,...