EU Timber Regulation – Easy guidance from the European paper industry

Update February 2013: The final guidance document has been made public by the European Commission. To view it click on the following link:
Raw material efficiency in the European Paper Industry – Doing more with less is what we do best

Raw material efficiency in the European Paper Industry – Doing more with less is what we do best

English version Portuguese version CEPI created an infographic on raw material efficiency in the European paper industry. The infographic is based on a 2011 study by Udo Mantau from the University of Hamburg. The study, based on data from FAO and Eurostat, shows how...
Resource efficiency – cascading use of raw material

Resource efficiency – cascading use of raw material

The European pulp and paper industry is the biggest single industrial user and producer of renewable energy in the EU today. 54% of the industry’s total primary annual energy consumption is biomass based. And we have the potential to do even more in the future. We...

European forest and forest-based sectors commit to strengthen cooperation

  By signing a Memorandum of Understanding this week, the executive directors of four European associations – namely the Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF), the European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR), the European Confederation of Woodworking...