Joint statement: A Taxonomy Delivering Sustainable Growth in Europe

We, the signatories, represent sectors of major importance for European economic development and wealth. We provide highly skilled jobs to Europeans and invest in innovative solutions, renewable and efficient technologies that make the transition to a competitive, low...

A long-term strategy for Europe’s industrial future: from words to action

The Industry4Europe coalition has today issued its new Joint Paper ‘A long-term strategy for Europe’s industrial future: from words to action’. Through cross-sectoral recommendations, the Industry4Europe coalition contributes to the future EU industrial strategy...

Industry4Europe joint reaction paper on the EU industrial strategy

Industry4Europe is a coalition of around 130 manufacturer associations committed towards the achievement of an ambitious EU industrial strategy. #Industry4Europe initiative, CEPI’s a part of, has released a paper to react to “Investing in a smart,...

CEPI is proud to support Industry4Europe for an ambitious EU industrial strategy

Industry4Europe is a coalition of around 130 manufacturer associations committed towards the achievement of an ambitious EU industrial strategy. #Industry4Europe initiative, CEPI’s a part of, has released four documents in the past months. A governance structure...

European paper industry’s trade complaint against Turkey upheld in European Commission report

The EU has today released a report related to a Trade Barrier Regulation (“TBR”) investigation launched following a complaint lodged by CEPI, the European association representing the paper industry. The report upheld the complaint finding that the...

EU launches trade investigation against Turkey following complaint by the European paper industry

Today the EU decided to launch investigations against Turkey for breach of EU-Turkey Customs Union and WTO rules confirming the validity of a complaint lodged by the European paper industry. CEPI, the independent voice of the paper industry in Europe, presented a...