3.5 million jobs at risk if EU grants Market Economy Status to China, finds new report

A landmark study by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) released last week reveals that if the EU grants Market Economy Status (MES) to China, the EU could lose 3.5 million jobs and 2% of GDP. Read AEGIS Europe press release here. CEPI is a member of the AEGIS...
China is not a market economy, confirms new in-depth study

China is not a market economy, confirms new in-depth study

CEPI is a member of the new AEGIS alliance, which published the following press release regarding China’s Market Economy Status: EU industry: China’s state capitalism is biggest threat to European jobs Several hundreds of national, regional and sectoral...
Industrial policy is back! European paper industry strongly welcomes European Commission’s renewed focus on industrial policy

Industrial policy is back! European paper industry strongly welcomes European Commission’s renewed focus on industrial policy

Today European Commissioner Bieńkowska presented to the European Parliament her views on a new industrial policy for Europe. The Commissioner has done this in a new and refreshing approach, by sending a letter to the member states instead of yet another Communication...
Shifting Gears for a New EU Industrial Partnership – A Manifesto

Shifting Gears for a New EU Industrial Partnership – A Manifesto

The Alliance for a Competitive European Industry groups 11 major European industry sector associations (including CEPI) and BUSINESSEUROPE. The common objective of its members is to promote the competitiveness of European industry on a global scale and to help address...
PACT with EU policy makers

PACT with EU policy makers

CEPI launched its PACT with EU policy makers, a call for cooperation with the Juncker Commission. It underlines the industry’s 5 billion euro investments in Europe in the next 3 years and the strong need for adequate policymaking to enable this.
EU-US TTIP negotiations CEPI-AF&PA joint statement

EU-US TTIP negotiations CEPI-AF&PA joint statement

EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: regulatory cooperation will provide the biggest benefit to the pulp & paper industry The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) and the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) and...