Why the EU-US TTIP needs to be top notch

Why the EU-US TTIP needs to be top notch

Paper industry points out major topics for second round negotiations The Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) supports the negotiations of an EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), aiming at the full liberalisation of bilateral trade...
EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: additional bilateral market openings and regulatory convergence to deliver competitiveness and a level playing field

EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: additional bilateral market openings and regulatory convergence to deliver competitiveness and a level playing field

The talks between the EU and US for a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) began in Washington on 8 July. These negotiations aim to achieve ambitious outcomes in three broad areas: a) market access, b) regulatory issues and non-tariff barriers, and c)...

Low sulphur fuel directive: EU industry competitiveness again disregarded

The Council announced that a compromise agreement on sulphur content of marine fuels has been reached with the European Parliament. The European paper industry believes this agreement is a major blow to its competitiveness at a time where the EU is desperately looking...

BUSINESSEUROPE’s proposals for an industrial compact – A pro-industrial growth framework

Position paper Executive summary: Europe must enable industry to compete more effectively within the Single Market and global context to create jobs and generate sustainable growth. This requires a realignment of EU policies in support of industrial competitiveness....
Commission’s proposal for a general data protection regulation-Position of the paper and print value chain

Commission’s proposal for a general data protection regulation-Position of the paper and print value chain

Our associations are part of the paper and print value chain – including paper manufacturing, paper converting, printing, postal services and direct marketing – and are committed to safeguarding the protection of personal data. We acknowledge that recent...
Sulphur limits in marine fuel: temporary exemptions and costefficient accompanying measures are the solutions

Sulphur limits in marine fuel: temporary exemptions and costefficient accompanying measures are the solutions

A new directive(1) bringing the European Union’s regulation on marine fuel sulphur content in line with international requirements set out under the international maritime convention on pollution prevention known as MARPOL entered into force on 17 December 2012....