From news media to e-commerce & hygiene, we are changing how we consume paper & board, a new Cepi report shows

From news media to e-commerce & hygiene, we are changing how we consume paper & board, a new Cepi report shows

Like other sectors, paper and board is bouncing back from the economic downturn brought about by Covid-19. But new trends on how we use these materials, first exacerbated by the pandemic, are now looking like more profound changes in our consumption patterns. This has...
From news media to e-commerce & hygiene, we are changing how we consume paper & board, a new Cepi report shows

Paper workers and industry call for safeguards over unintended effects of EU climate policies on jobs, global competitiveness, and climate itself

IndustriAll European Trade Union, representing the interests of the sector’s workers and Cepi, the Confederation of paper and pulp producers, jointly call on the European Parliament to revise a number of aspects of the EU’s ‘Fit for 55’, the Union’s flagship legal...
Turn the Page final conference: Recruitment strategies to attract young talents in the paper industry

Turn the Page final conference: Recruitment strategies to attract young talents in the paper industry

15 February 202214h – 17h30 CETOnline event  Watch again here. Turn the Page was launched in March 2020 by Cepi and IndustriAll European Trade Union in order to develop a strategy for the pulp and paper sector to attract and retain young people and to...