Press release: Major event for the Pulp and Paper sector provides a concept for what the future of the EU’s industry could look like

Press release: Major event for the Pulp and Paper sector provides a concept for what the future of the EU’s industry could look like

Paper & Beyond is the annual event of the European Paper industry and its value chain. The theme of this year’s event is ‘shaping the next generation’. It brings together producers, manufacturers, policymakers and leading innovators in the sector. Today, during...
Future pulp, paper and recycling mill 2030

Future pulp, paper and recycling mill 2030

How pulp, paper and recycling mills will look like in 2030? How will the European Green Deal have impacted the European paper industry by then? What is the push from the European regulation like the Fit for 55 package? Read more in our executive...
Press release: Major event for the Pulp and Paper sector provides a concept for what the future of the EU’s industry could look like

Press release: “Fit for 55” package is an incomplete toolbox for the industrial energy transition, cautions the paper industry

The European pulp and paper industry fully supports the EU objective to reach climate neutrality by 2050. But the presented today “Fit for 55” legislative package is an incomplete toolbox. Cepi calls on co-legislators to give strong political support to measures that...
Press release: Major event for the Pulp and Paper sector provides a concept for what the future of the EU’s industry could look like

Press release: European paper industry delivers on emission reduction and recycling commitments

With the slowing down of the European economy and the sanitary restrictions, European paper and board consumption decreased by 5.3% in 2020 compared to 2019, totalling 71 million tonnes. Cepi members produced 85.2 million tonnes of paper and board, a decrease of 4.8%...
Press release: Major event for the Pulp and Paper sector provides a concept for what the future of the EU’s industry could look like

Press Release: Access to affordable clean energy will be the make-or-break factor for a successful green and digital transition

Today the European Commission adopted its revamped Industrial Strategy focusing on the lessons learned from the COVID 19 crisis. Cepi wishes to assist the European Commission in the development of transition pathways across relevant industrial ecosystems. “The...