Press release: Cepi joins forces with actors across the paper value chain and testing labs to update its European test method for paper recyclability

Press release: Cepi joins forces with actors across the paper value chain and testing labs to update its European test method for paper recyclability

Cepi has unveiled today the update of its European harmonised recyclability test method, developed in collaboration with actors from the entire paper value chain, including specialised testing laboratories. Essential to the project was the support of 4evergreen...
Cepi Recyclability Test Method Version 2

Cepi Recyclability Test Method Version 2

In January 2021, Cepi published version 1 of its recyclability laboratory test method. It defined a laboratory procedure emulating the most relevant phases (pulping, screening, sheet formation) of a typical paper mill dedicated to the recycling of the most common...
Press release: Cepi joins forces with actors across the paper value chain and testing labs to update its European test method for paper recyclability

Press release: Renewable, biogenic carbon should be favoured by the future EU certification scheme for carbon removals

In advance of the release of the EU’s certification scheme for carbon removals, the first to be developed at international scale by a public body, Cepi presented a position paper outlining its views on this important tool to reach the European Union’s net zero carbon...