Recommendations from the Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries on the review of the EU Emissions Trading System

Recommendations from the Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries on the review of the EU Emissions Trading System

The impact assessment accompanying the Commission communication on the “2030 Climate Target Plan” suggests a highly demanding reduction target for ETS emissions of -65% for 2030, while the current ETS level foresees a -21% reduction for 2020 and a -43% for 2030. Such...
Bioeconomy and the Green Deal: matching Europe’s climate neutrality and competitiveness goals?

Bioeconomy and the Green Deal: matching Europe’s climate neutrality and competitiveness goals?

Watch the event again: Hitting the EU’s 2050 target of becoming climate neutral means a steady decline in the use of fossil fuels — and that opens a crucial question: How can the industry produce everything from jet fuel to plastics and textiles? One possible answer...
Cepi feedback for the inception impact assessment on the EU strategy for sustainable textiles

Cepi feedback for the inception impact assessment on the EU strategy for sustainable textiles

Sustainable textiles: the European pulp and paper industry is part of the solution. Cepi welcomes the European Commission’s call for a sustainable recovery of the European textile industry, aligned with the objectives outlined in the European Green Deal, the Circular...
Tony Smurfit: “Sustainability and e-commerce drive the growth of our group and our industry”

Tony Smurfit: “Sustainability and e-commerce drive the growth of our group and our industry”

“The 4Evergreen Alliance is an important initiative that shows the strong mobilization of our industry on issues related to sustainable development. ” Full interview available in French here. 4evergreen website here.
Press release: New Cepi study on pulp & paper industry biorefineries in Europe

Press release: New Cepi study on pulp & paper industry biorefineries in Europe

Today Cepi presented the first Europe-wide study about pulp and paper industry biorefineries with a dedicated webinar attended by close to 100 participants from industry and press. The study carried out by NC Partnering identified 139 biorefineries spread throughout...