PRESS RELEASE: EuRIC joins the European Paper Recycling Council to achieve European Green Deal targets

EuRIC joins the European Paper Recycling Council to achieve European Green Deal targets Getting paper recycling to even higher levels and improving the recyclability of paper based products – this is the main mission of the European Paper Recycling Council, an...

Call for modification of SUPD definitions to achieve Circular Economy objectives

Our commitment is to show that sustainability and competitiveness can go hand in hand which is why our fibre-based products are essential for Europe’s steady and sustainable transition to a Circular Economy while preserving the EU Single Market.  We would like to...

Cepi study: Climate effects of the forest-based sector in the European Union

The European forests and the forest-based sector provide integrated solutions to the global climate challenge on a very large scale. The overall and positive climate effect is estimated at -806 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalents annually. This corresponds to...
Industry Transformation

Industry Transformation

The European pulp, paper and board industry is a world leader and a net exporter as well as the provider of 1.5 million direct and indirect jobs in Europe. Pulp, paper and board are based on renewable raw materials originating from sustainable sources and are...
Product Innovation

Product Innovation

The European paper industry is a highly innovative sector. Its strategic vision of reconciling sustainability and competitiveness, the inherent properties of its raw materials, and the transformation the sector is going through are delivering a range of innovative new...