Sustainability & Circularity

Sustainability & Circularity

The European paper industry is building on decades of work done to make its industrial model sustainable and circular, making it one of the most sustainable industries in Europe. It relies on raw materials, pulp derived from processing wood, which is intrinsically...
Energy Transition & Green Deal

Energy Transition & Green Deal

The European paper industry has already delivered a successful decoupling of carbon emissions from economic growth while reducing carbon emissions by 29% from 2005 to date, having product volumes increased and proved the climate friendliness of its products thanks to...
Forest Resources

Forest Resources

Forests are expected to deliver on several policy objectives of the European Union as they provide climate benefits, ecosystem services such as clean air and water, biodiversity, raw material for the bioeconomy, renewable energy and many more. Sourcing wood from...

PRESS RELEASE: Launch of the European alliance for a Green Recovery

Cepi, the Confederation of European paper industries and its members across Europe, strongly support the initiative of Pascal Canfin, Chair of the Environment Committee at the European Parliament, to launch a European alliance for a Green Recovery. Cepi joins 180...
TEG report’s draft technical screening criteria for forestry creates legal uncertainty and ignores the long-term characteristics of forests

TEG report’s draft technical screening criteria for forestry creates legal uncertainty and ignores the long-term characteristics of forests

In the context of the European Commission’s ongoing work on developing a classification system for sustainable investments1, the undersigned organisations would like to express their views on the inclusion of forestry into climate change mitigation activities drawn up...

Enhancing the EU forest policy framework through a stronger EU forest strategy post 2020

Cepi position on the new EU Forest Strategy post-2020            European forests and the forest-based sector provide multiple solutions that contribute to Europe’s part in keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees by strengthening its role in the circular bioeconomy....