PRESS RELEASE: Circularity is a “no regret option” for the European industrial transition: it is now time to recognise circular low carbon forest-based industries as a strategic value chain!

The Green Deal has to be translated into a business case, strengthening sustainable and circular industrial value chains in Europe, and ensuring that they are considered of strategic importance. For that reason, Cepi, on behalf of the European Paper Industry, applauds...

European paper industry position on separate collection

Clarifications on Cepi’s position on the separate collection of paper and board from residual waste and other recyclables, as well as the collection and recyclability of paper products that are multi-layered or have been in contact with wood. This paper targets...

PRESS RELEASE: Combined positive impact of European forests and the EU forestbased sectors for climate neutrality: the CO2 mitigation effect corresponds to about 20% of the EU’s annual emissions

Cepi, the Confederation of European Paper Industries, welcomes the new European Climate Law launched today by the European Commission as a key step forward in our common efforts to respond to global warming. “Our industry is committed to doing its part: we have...

PRESS RELEASE: European paper and board production follows the EU economy downward trend in 2019, in contrast with market pulp production dynamism

According to preliminary figures, the European paper and board production has decreased by 3.0% in 2019, compared to the previous year. 2019 saw new capacities coming on stream, and upgrades of existing ones, but closures and lower production operating rates dragged...

Paper-based packaging recyclability guidelines

How can the value chain, including retailers and brand owners, specify and design paper-based packaging to support the recycling process? There is a growing expectation from consumers, brands and retailers that the packaging they use is recyclable, as part of a global...

PRESS RELEASE: Rewarding Sustainable Forest Management practices will enhance biodiversity and climate resilience of EU forests

This week, the European Commission is hosting the “International Conference on Forests for Biodiversity and Climate” in Brussels to discuss pressures on EU forest ecosystems due to, among others, climate change as well as how to best protect forests and their...