PRESS RELEASE 4evergreen: a unique industry alliance to boost the contribution of fibre-based packaging in a circular economy

Cepi, the European association representing the paper industry, announced today a new alliance called 4evergreen. The aim of the alliance is to boost the contribution of fibre-based packaging in a circular and sustainable economy that minimises climate and...

Joint statement: A Taxonomy Delivering Sustainable Growth in Europe

We, the signatories, represent sectors of major importance for European economic development and wealth. We provide highly skilled jobs to Europeans and invest in innovative solutions, renewable and efficient technologies that make the transition to a competitive, low...

PRESS RELEASE: The European paper industry is ready to rise to the climate challenge

The European paper industry welcomes the EU Green Deal Communication and the set of proposed actions planned for March 2020, in particular the European Climate Law, the New Industrial Strategy, the Circular Economy Action Plan 2.0 coupled with the Sustainable Products...

PRESS RELEASE Sustainable future of paper-based products: First European recyclability guidelines for optimal packaging design

The use of paper for packaging purposes is growing every year, due to its excellent environmental performance but also to the increasing demand related to e-commerce and delivery services. There is a strong expectation from consumers, brands and retailers to have...

PRESS RELEASE: Energy Intensive Industries

Energy Intensive Industries (EIIs) want to contribute in a constructive manner to the development of policies enabling the transition to a climate-neutral economy by 2050. We therefore call for a dialogue with the incoming European Commission, Member States and...

Masterplan for a Competitive Transformation of EU Energy-intensive Industries

Report from the High-Level Group on Energy-Intensive Industries: In December 2015, parties to the Paris Agreement committed jointly to keeping the global temperature increase to well below 2°C and to pursue efforts to limit temperature increase to 1.5°C above...