A joint call for an updated and stronger EU Forest Strategy

  Acknowledging the report from the European Commission on progress in the implementation of the Forest Strategy the undersigned organizations, representing forest owners, managers, contractors and the forest-based industry, call on the European Commission, Parliament...

The European forest-based value chain issues position on forest management and sustainable investments

In the context of the European Commission’s work on developing a classification system for sustainable investments, CEPI and the European organisations representing the European forest-based bioeconomy value chain have issued a joint statement on the role of forest...
REINVEST 2050 in the European Parliament, Strasbourg

REINVEST 2050 in the European Parliament, Strasbourg

  Previously known as “To our roots and beyond”, the second edition of our project REINVEST 2050 was launched with an event (see the video here) in the European Parliament on 12 February in Strasbourg. The exhibition was hosted by Members of the European...

PRESS RELEASE: Forest stakeholders call for a stronger EU Forest Strategy

Forest stakeholders call for a stronger EU Forest Strategy to reach United Nations and Paris Agreement goals Last December, the Commission published a progress report on the implementation of the EU Forest Strategy, discussed by the European Parliament in January....
Renewable Heating in the Pulp and Paper Industry

Renewable Heating in the Pulp and Paper Industry

Renewable Heating in the Pulp and Paper Industry. Assessing potential of innovative solutions will take place on 7 February in CEPI as a part of the European Industry Week 2019. CEPI, together with the European Heat Pumps Association (EHPA) and Solar Heat Europe, will...

New guidelines on cascading use fail to meet expectations of EU’s new Bioeconomy Strategy

Today’s publication of the non-binding guidelines on the cascading use of wood fails to live up to the Commission’s own ambitions signalled in its recent Bioeconomy Strategy. CEPI has been a long-time proponent of this principle which allows for every wood fibre to be...