TEG report’s draft technical screening criteria for forestry creates legal uncertainty and ignores the long-term characteristics of forests

TEG report’s draft technical screening criteria for forestry creates legal uncertainty and ignores the long-term characteristics of forests

In the context of the European Commission’s ongoing work on developing a classification system for sustainable investments1, the undersigned organisations would like to express their views on the inclusion of forestry into climate change mitigation activities drawn up...

European paper industry position on separate collection

Clarifications on Cepi’s position on the separate collection of paper and board from residual waste and other recyclables, as well as the collection and recyclability of paper products that are multi-layered or have been in contact with wood. This paper targets...

PRESS RELEASE: Circularity is a “no regret option” for the European industrial transition: it is now time to recognise circular low carbon forest-based industries as a strategic value chain!

The Green Deal has to be translated into a business case, strengthening sustainable and circular industrial value chains in Europe, and ensuring that they are considered of strategic importance. For that reason, Cepi, on behalf of the European Paper Industry, applauds...

Paper-based packaging recyclability guidelines

How can the value chain, including retailers and brand owners, specify and design paper-based packaging to support the recycling process? There is a growing expectation from consumers, brands and retailers that the packaging they use is recyclable, as part of a global...

PRESS RELEASE 4evergreen: a unique industry alliance to boost the contribution of fibre-based packaging in a circular economy

Cepi, the European association representing the paper industry, announced today a new alliance called 4evergreen. The aim of the alliance is to boost the contribution of fibre-based packaging in a circular and sustainable economy that minimises climate and...

PRESS RELEASE Sustainable future of paper-based products: First European recyclability guidelines for optimal packaging design

The use of paper for packaging purposes is growing every year, due to its excellent environmental performance but also to the increasing demand related to e-commerce and delivery services. There is a strong expectation from consumers, brands and retailers to have...