EU’s new circular bioeconomy strategy – European forest fibre and paper industry ready to lead

CEPI, the European association representing the forest fibre and paper industry, applauded today’s release of a more tangible Bioeconomy Strategy laying the conditions for creating a truly circular, low-carbon bioeconomy in Europe. “The EU’s new Bioeconomy Strategy...

Understanding materiality – significant impacts in the sector

CEPI has worked with Deloitte to identify the sector’s significant impacts: what is material in pulp and paper industry. The assessment of the sector on the European level produced detailed matrices and Key Performance Indicators for the identified five most material...

Single-use plastics – paper industry shares MEPs’ perplexity on ill-defined “catch-all” product scope

The European Commission’s proposal on single use plastics products (SUPP), aims at addressing the marine pollution caused by the most littered plastics products. Yet an ill-defined product scope, open for interpretation, could consider any material using any sort of...

PRESS RELEASE: CEN workshop Milan set to advance standardisation needs for European paper and board value chain

CEPI, the industry association representing the pulp and paper industry at European level will coorganise a kick off meeting for a CEN workshop on identifying standardisation needs for inter-EU trade on 27 June 2018 in Milan, Italy. A three-month long process will...

European Paper Recycling Council moves forward on ecodesign of printed paper products

An update has been made to the European Paper Recycling Council’s (EPRC) “Assessment of Printed Product Recyclability”. This Scorecard for the Removability of Adhesive Applications now includes an annex for applications where there is sufficient experience and...

European paper industry stands ready to defend Circular Economy in the context of Chinese waste import ban

CEPI, the European association representing the paper industy has been closely monitoring market developments in reaction to the material waste import ban by the Chinese authorities including paper for recycling. The import restrictions have caused disruption to the...