IMPACTPapeRec Project Conference

• The European project IMPACTPapeRec will bring together about 70 professionals on 24 January in Barcelona (Spain), to focus on the challenges and opportunities for increasing separate collection of paper in EU countries. • Experts from STORAENSO, CEPI, ASPAPEL,...

Test Exemptions now included in Deinking Scorecard

The recently-revised deinkability scorecard by the European Recovered Paper Council (ERPC) now includes an annex listing exemptions to the deinkability test. With this annex, the widely-used deinkability scorecard takes account of those printing technologies and...

Letter to the European Commission President Juncker and First Vice-President Timmermans: Concerns on the potential discontinuation of EU Ecolabel product groups

We, European paper manufacturers, retailers and wholesalers, consumer organisations and environmental NGOs, are writing to share our concerns about the possible removal of a number of EU Ecolabel product groups[1] which we understand the Commission is considering. In...
IMPACTPapeRec Project Conference and Networking Informative Meeting

IMPACTPapeRec Project Conference and Networking Informative Meeting

IMPACTPapeRec invites you to join the Project Conference and Informative Meeting to be held 24 January in Barcelona, Spain. Join us to learn more and share your insights on how separate collection of paper for recycling in Europe can be enhanced. Date and location The...
CEPI increases focus on technical measurement in revised Paper for Recycling Quality Control guidelines

CEPI increases focus on technical measurement in revised Paper for Recycling Quality Control guidelines

CEPI has published an updated version of the ‘Paper for Recycling – Quality control guidelines’ including an annex which outlines in more detail the technical measurements. The updated version is the result of sustained industry consultation and as a step towards...
Paper for Recycling Quality Control Guidelines

Paper for Recycling Quality Control Guidelines

The European Standard EN 643, European list of standard grades of paper and board for recycling, is the basic document to be used by industry professionals in the buying and selling of paper for recycling. Interested parties should order the EN 643 from their...