ERPC Monitoring report 2012

ERPC Monitoring report 2012

The European Recovered Paper Council (ERPC) announced an impressive 71.7% paper recycling rate for Europe. In their annual monitoring report the ERPC revealed that current paper consumption in Europe has dropped by 13% to the level of 1998, but the recycled amount of...

When being stingy became a competitive advantage

​Republished blog originally by Päivi Salpakivi-Salomaa from UPM: Natural resources are drying up all around the world as the population grows and standards of living improve. By 2030, there will be an additional three billion more consumers with a solid financial...
Spanish Municipalities pledge support for recycling ‘made in Europe’

Spanish Municipalities pledge support for recycling ‘made in Europe’

The declared commitment of Fuenlabrada town council and of the Association of Municipalities of the Costa del Sol are two good examples to demonstrate that the recent amendment to the Spanish Waste Act, which promotes recycling ‘made in Europe’, is beginning to bear...
Simple paper recycling rules from the ERPC

Simple paper recycling rules from the ERPC

Have you ever held a plastic spiral notebook or a used pizza box and wondered if it should go in the recycling bin? Did a windowed envelope end up in your waste bin because you didn’t have time to cut the window out, thinking that it should be removed? The European...
Less than a month left to apply for the European Paper Recycling Award!

Less than a month left to apply for the European Paper Recycling Award!

The fourth edition of the European Paper Recycling awards is well underway, with less than a month left before the application deadline (28 June 2013). We would like to remind you that the award is open to all organisations based in Europe: regional and national...