Press release:  The Paper value chain reached a 71.4% recycling rate in 2021

Press release: EU Commission proposals on mandatory reductions risk causing greater uncertainty for industry in case of gas supply disruptions

The European Commission released today the Winter Preparedness Package. The measures outlined in the package respond to the intertwined needs of European citizens and industry, in the face of a deteriorating situation regarding energy supplies. They also introduce a...
Press release:  The Paper value chain reached a 71.4% recycling rate in 2021

Press release: Cepi welcomes EU Parliament’s ITRE Committee vote on a revised Renewable Energy Directive, but implementation of the cascading use principle must be left to Member States

Today, the European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, ITRE, voted on the revision of the renewable energy directive, or RED III. The vote was a welcome response to the need for an accelerated development of renewable energy sources in Europe. It...
Press release:  The Paper value chain reached a 71.4% recycling rate in 2021

Press release: EU Parliament ENVI Committee vote shows deforestation is taken seriously, but some new rules would be hard to implement

The European Parliament’s ENVI Committee vote today is a good sign that the EU is taking the threat represented by deforestation and illegal logging seriously. But some definitions in the proposed text go against international agreements and the experience of the...
Press release:  The Paper value chain reached a 71.4% recycling rate in 2021

Press release: Cepi annual statistics show factors behind the resilience and strong performance of the European pulp and paper industry

Cepi’s annual statistics for the European pulp and paper industry published today offer a unique view of the current state of the market for pulp and paper products and the industry’s performance. They also allow for an objective analysis of deeper trends behind the...