Media Resources

Media Resources

European paper industry position on separate collection

PRESS RELEASE: Circularity is a “no regret option” for the European industrial transition: it is now time to recognise circular low carbon forest-based industries as a strategic value chain!

PRESS RELEASE: Combined positive impact of European forests and the EU forestbased sectors for climate neutrality: the CO2 mitigation effect corresponds to about 20% of the EU’s annual emissions

PRESS RELEASE: European paper and board production follows the EU economy downward trend in 2019, in contrast with market pulp production dynamism

Paper-based packaging recyclability guidelines

Interview to Jori Ringman by Industria della Carta

Jori Ringman: “Cepi will play a key role in reaching carbon neutrality in Europe by 2050”

PRESS RELEASE: Rewarding Sustainable Forest Management practices will enhance biodiversity and climate resilience of EU forests

PRESS RELEASE: Ignazio Capuano started as the new Chairman of Cepi

PRESS RELEASE 4evergreen: a unique industry alliance to boost the contribution of fibre-based packaging in a circular economy