Media Resources

Media Resources

Framework for Carbon Footprints for paper and board products

Framework for Carbon Footprints for paper and board products

European paper industry reaction to Fertilizers Europe “alternative facts” in “Allowances balance calculation in the EU ETS” Ecofys report

European Declaration on Paper Recycling 2016-2020

European Declaration on Paper Recycling 2016-2020

New 74% paper recycling target set for 2020

New 74% paper recycling target set for 2020

Recycling the ‘R’ in ERPC, the European Recovered Paper Council becomes the European Paper Recycling Council (EPRC)

Recycling the ‘R’ in ERPC, the European Recovered Paper Council becomes the European Paper Recycling Council (EPRC)

“No trade-off on Fairness”: Recommendations from the Alliance for a fair ETS

Recycling the European Paper Recycling Awards, entries now being accepted for the 6th edition!

Recycling the European Paper Recycling Awards, entries now being accepted for the 6th edition!

European paper industry lodges complaint against unfair Turkish import licensing on EU exports of office paper

CEPI celebrates 25 years with a special logo!

CEPI celebrates 25 years with a special logo!

Joint letter on alignment of Renewable Energy Directive with the Circular Economy Policies

Joint letter on alignment of Renewable Energy Directive with the Circular Economy Policies

Global Forest and Paper Industry Celebrates International Day of Forests

Global Forest and Paper Industry Celebrates International Day of Forests